Q: Don’t we already have a hospice house in Cowichan?
A: Not yet! And we need your help to build one.
Q: Why do we need a hospice house?
A: Many people in Cowichan are cared for at home at the end of their lives, but sometimes there is no-one available around the clock, sometimes care becomes too complex to be managed by family members and sometimes these caregivers become too exhausted to continue. In these situations most people end up being cared for in our aging and overcrowded hospital.
Every Wednesday we will be posting a new Q&A regarding the Cowichan Hospice House and we want to hear from you! Please submit your questions to zoe.cvhs@shaw.ca or comment on these posts. We will do our best to answer all questions and engage in dialogue about this very important project. Like us on Facebook for more updates.
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